How to extract value from the JSON if the body is string type | JMeter Forum
Gaurav Garg Posted on 02/03/2021

"statusCode": 219,
"body": "{\"message\": \"otp sent to user\", \"session\": \"f603ee03-4906-4451-b4e5-b19f0ccf84d0\", \"otp\": \"123456\"}"

Abhishek Puri Replied on 03/03/2021

The best way to extract data from any kind of response is by using RegEx Extractor.

You can find the related videos inside "Post-Processors" module

Gaurav Garg Replied on 03/03/2021

I tried with the post processor to extract  the session id but it the body is string type in JSON. I tried to the parse the string in JSON but that is still not working. I am able to fetch the body but not able to fetch the session id.


Kindly write the json to how to fectch the session id from the body.


Please find attached.

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